Sunday, June 26, 2011

A 3 basset morning... a sight I see as I get ready for work - luckily Bruce goes to work later in the day than I do and the hounds get to stay in bed til he rises. Left to right are Willie, Ziggy and Romeo.

Thursday, June 02, 2011

Our home in Gilmanton Iron Works, New Hampshire. We moved to NH in December of 2010 to be closer to family.

We arrived on 12/23/10. Henry David Thoreau wrote that most men live lives of quiet desperation and go to the grave with the song still in them.
I believe Bruce and I are singing our song. Not sure if it is country, rock and roll or hiphop. But we are singing...... Bruce has taken a voice over workshop and I just finished a creative writing class.
This has truly been an adventure for our 30+ year marriage. Many, many laughs, some tears, lots of snow. Winter in a 150+ year old house on 11 acres is a daily challenge - but a glance out a window and the views are amazing. Most thought we were crazy - a few thought we were brave. I think we have surpassed many odds - we are both gainfully employed and loving our new jobs - driving to work or for work (Bruce) the views are amazing. We have made it thru our first winter. WE are so enjoying all the times we are getting to spend with Katie and Dan. Such fun we are having.
All the bassets, pot bellied pigs and cats are doing great.
So now we wait for the garden to be tilled and we will be planting our first NH vegetable garden soon.