Katie's back in Kansas.....
Katie is our wonderful daughter who we are so happy to say is back in Kansas at least for a year or so. Katie was residing in Pasadena, CA and working at a local family owned theatre as their stage manager and also at the Los Angeles Zoo as a vet technician. After much soul searching she made the decision to return to college to complete some pre requisites so she could apply to vet school.
She already has her B.A. which she got from the College of Santa Fe with a major in Theatre and a minor in Biology. So she is working on science classes and then she will begin the process of applying to universities that offer vet degrees.
Katie has been an animal lover since she was a small child. She always tells people that she knew more about puppy mills at the age of 8 than most adults will every know. She has been involved in rescue work for many years while growing up in our home.
so we are happy to introduce you all to Katie.